Jack Evans' Whirlwind Journey into this World
Let me first start off by saying that I never thought I would be the type to write a blog. That is until our most recent adventure.
To give a little background story I must start with the weekend that I found out I was pregnant with our first child. Kyle was hunting so I had all the time in the world to take multiple tests and surprise, surprise all of the tests were positive. I was thrilled and I knew Kyle would be too! I went out and purchased an I Love My Dad onesie. I wrapped it up and waited patiently for Kyle to get home. Needless to say when he finally got home and opened the gift he was ecstatic!
Fast forward 20 weeks and everything was going great with our pregnancy. All genetic testing had come back normal and negative and the anatomy test went great. One thing that the sonographer could not measure as well was the spine and we were asked to come back at week 24 to measure only the spine. Week 24 rolled around when we measured the spine and all seemed well. However, the sonographer then decided to remeasure everything, which we thought was no big deal. The anxiousness and scary feelings started once we met with our amazing OB. It appeared that when they remeasured our little man's measurements were now behind my due date, which meant his growth was slowing and not equal to what my due date was, specifically his head. At that point it was highly advised to do some testing, which we were all on board for. We also began to see my OB every Friday for a sonogram to make sure he was doing alright. We were also referred to a MFM to ensure that everything was going well. After a few visits we were released from the MFM - great news! We still had to meet with our OB every week, but it was more of a formality than anything. Although our little man had a small head there was nothing to show at that time that anything was wrong. In our minds we were a-okay!
Fast forward again to 38 weeks and my OB wanted to induce because our sweet Jack was not growing anymore inside, which we were advised was normal and that sometimes babies just grew better outside of the womb. Kyle and I were just excited to get our little man sooner than later!
Here we were checking into the hospital on 11/18 to get cervidil and then induce the next morning to finally meet Jack Evans. We were beyond nervous, but oh so thrilled! If you know us we absolutely adore children and couldn't wait to be parents of our own! About 3 hours after check in my OB wasn't thrilled with Jack's heart rate dips and decided we were going to go ahead and have a c-section done. I was scared for sure, but I knew I was in the best hands possible. The c-section was an interesting experience, but went fine. Once Jack was out he had to be taken away by the neonatal doctors because he was having a hard time breathing and his heart rate was low. If you have ever had a c-section before you know this is terrifying because you can't do anything but just give your baby a kiss and watch as he is taken out of the room. Thank the Lord they let us take a quick picture. I will treasure it forever!
The rest of the night was a blur... I was exhausted and in a bit of pain. The good news was Jack was doing fine and his heart rate was steadying. The next morning we found out that during the night Jack's body was shaking and was very stiff so the doctors ordered a CT scan. The scan ended up not showing enough and so a MRI was scheduled. And that is when the nightmare began...
On Saturday 11/19 Kyle and I found out that the preliminary results from the MRI showed that the shaking and stiffness was caused by a neurological issue. Talk about another level of terrified. On Sunday 11/20 we met with a pediatric neurologist and he confirmed what we were dreading to hear, our sweet Jack Evans has a brain development issue. We are devastated. His brain didn't fully develop the way it should have by 38 weeks and we are in for a very long road ahead. We are confused, none of this was on our sonograms with our OB or specialist so we were shocked. To be clear even if this diagnosis showed up weeks ago it would not have changed anything and we would still have welcomed Jack into this world. Currently, Jack is in the NICU getting the best care possible. We are not sure when he will be discharged, but we are hopeful it is before Christmas. We are at a little peace knowing he is there because those nurses are the absolute best and truly love our son.
There are still so many unknowns. Since this is a neurological issue we are not sure what he will or won't be able to do. The future is scary for us because it is so unknown. Will he be able to eat? Will he sit up? Will he crawl? Will he walk? Will he talk a little bit? We have no idea and at this time have to take one day at a time.
With all of this said, Jack Evans is a son of God and we love him with everything we have! He is OURS! He made us parents! We strongly believe that we were chosen to be his parents and that he was chosen to be our son. He has already blessed us in so many ways and our hope is that he is able to continue to bless others as well. He is a our miracle and we will celebrate him daily!
Be anxious for nothing, but through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God and a peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ.
Philippians 4:6
For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, they are plans of good and not of disaster. To give you a future and a hope. When you search for me with your whole heart, you will find me and I will be found in you.
Jeremiah 29:11
Jack is a beautiful baby! You will all continue to be in our prayers. God specifically chose you to be this adorable little guy's parents because he knew you would be amazing parents to him. Hang in there! Let us know if there's anything we can do! We love you and we love Jack and look forward to meeting him! -Kevin and Rebekah
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! He is so beautiful and God is going to do great things with his life! We will be praying for you for and Kyle, for Peace and understanding. Praying for a miracle that only Our God can do! God is good and what He does is good and He has a GREAT GREAT plan for all three of you! Xoxo Heather Gonzalez
ReplyDeletePraying hard for your sweet family of three. Jack is beautiful and God could not have picked a better mommy for him! Love you friend!