One Month Gone
Jack Evans, you went to be with the angels one month ago. How can that be? Time has flown by and slowed at the very same time. We miss you more than we can describe. I thought time would heal, but the last few weeks has been tough. I have told some of you that I feel that I am looking in on someone else's life. The shock wore off, family and friends had to go home and then reality sank in. Our life without you. Our life without the strict schedule of 5am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm, 1am changing of your milk supply and cleaning your cute little g-tube button. We loved on you and gave you massages during these times. Between our schedule I held you while you slept or you took naps on your elephant boppy pillow, which you loved so very much. We had a system, we had it down. And then it all went away so fast.
I still remember that day, February 8th, so vividly. Kyle had the opportunity to do his early morning routine at 5am and checked on you at 7:30 before he left for work. You were perfect and well. A little after 9am I went straight to your room to wake you up for the day. I shook you, screamed your name, and ran to dial 911. It was 9:21am. I will never forget that time - how could I? Our amazing Coppell FD and paramedics arrived five minutes later. During that five minute time frame I performed CPR and tried my very best. I'm sorry my sweet son that I couldn't do more. The rest of that day was a blur and full of tears. The ER doctors tried everything to revive you and unfortunately could do nothing more. Your sweet little body just couldn't take any more. I truly believe the seizures and medicine took too much of a toll on you and God was ready for you to come Home. You are now perfect and whole. But still, that doesn't take away our longing to hold you, smell you and whisper we love you. We cannot wait to see you again in Heaven sweet boy.
Jack, you left a huge mark on so many people during your short time with us. Just the other day your GrAndy was at spring training with the Rangers and someone on the trip started up a conversation with him. They talked and talked and towards the end of the conversation the new friend said in astonishment "You're Jack's grandfather?!". People we don't even know have heard about you and your story sweet boy. You still have a huge impact on us all.
Thank you all for your continued prayers.
God bless you,
Paige and Kyle
I still remember that day, February 8th, so vividly. Kyle had the opportunity to do his early morning routine at 5am and checked on you at 7:30 before he left for work. You were perfect and well. A little after 9am I went straight to your room to wake you up for the day. I shook you, screamed your name, and ran to dial 911. It was 9:21am. I will never forget that time - how could I? Our amazing Coppell FD and paramedics arrived five minutes later. During that five minute time frame I performed CPR and tried my very best. I'm sorry my sweet son that I couldn't do more. The rest of that day was a blur and full of tears. The ER doctors tried everything to revive you and unfortunately could do nothing more. Your sweet little body just couldn't take any more. I truly believe the seizures and medicine took too much of a toll on you and God was ready for you to come Home. You are now perfect and whole. But still, that doesn't take away our longing to hold you, smell you and whisper we love you. We cannot wait to see you again in Heaven sweet boy.
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This was one of the very few pictures we had of Jack with his eyes open. And in a Cowboys outfit no doubt. |
An update on our genetic testing:
We finally got to meet with our genetic counselor last Wednesday to find out more about Jack's genetic markup and our next steps. It's all so confusing. Basically Jack had additions and deletions on four different chromosomes/bands. One in particular had specific symptoms that Jack could have experienced in the future. We decided I would get my blood work done first and review those results before we test Kyle. If I do not have the same additions/deletions then we will test Kyle. If I have the exact same additions/deletions as Jack then we won't test Kyle. But with that outcome we are back at square one since we would still have no idea what caused the Lissencephaly in Jack. Basically, we are trying to see if there was a deletion/addition that neither Kyle nor I have that could potentially tell us the cause of everything. Still following? There is also a chance that we will not truly know what caused him so much pain. So much to learn, but we are taking it one step at a time. We pray that it was a random thing. Who knows what we have in store for our future, but we are hopeful that we are able to give Jack siblings one day. They would undoubtedly have the best angel watching over them.
Jack, you left a huge mark on so many people during your short time with us. Just the other day your GrAndy was at spring training with the Rangers and someone on the trip started up a conversation with him. They talked and talked and towards the end of the conversation the new friend said in astonishment "You're Jack's grandfather?!". People we don't even know have heard about you and your story sweet boy. You still have a huge impact on us all.
Thank you all for your continued prayers.
God bless you,
Paige and Kyle
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